10% Hopeful

Corduroy Cat

Guided by an awareness of music in all its infinite variety and lore, Corduroy Cat has torn apart the singer/songwriter format with an improvisational flair that draws on the human need to dance, to fly and to dream.

When these songs started erupting from Dan's soul, he called on a group of old friends who'd long gotten together to play music for
Guided by an awareness of music in all its infinite variety and lore, Corduroy Cat has torn apart the singer/songwriter format with an improvisational flair that draws on the human need to dance, to fly and to dream.

When these songs started erupting from Dan's soul, he called on a group of old friends who'd long gotten together to play music for fun. This time, the intentions were more serious. Directed. Each song developing according to its own structure, always with a melody as the keel and a story as the spine. Emerging fully formed, but in a molten state, ready for the hammer and anvil of Bob and Marv.

Now, jamming with a purpose, not like a jam band, but for the sheer joy of the JAM, chords and words were chopped up and stretched out. Accidentals collected and wrung to test their integrity. Bridges built on rickety chromaticisms hardened into organic towers of enduring strength. Rhymes and harmonies tumbling forward like bodies over a balustrade. Cacophonous epiphanies evaporating into textured denouements. Armed with their basic knowledge of diatonic musical structure, Bob, Marv, Dan, Dave and Kalyan stand at the center of this kaleidoscopic projection of sound, building baroque avalanches with DIY aggression, the soul of existence, the jazz of experience, of being conscious AT THIS VERY MOMENT. So, join us, dearly beloved, in experiencing this thing ... called LIFE.
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